
About MetOcean Studies Research
Forecasting Current Marine Data Software

Oceanweather Inc. is a specialized metocean consulting firm serving the coastal and ocean engineering communities since 1977. Our approach is to develop and apply high-level technology to satisfy practical requirements in marine meteorology, ocean wave and current specification, ocean engineering, and statistics of environmental data. Our services include atmospheric/oceanographic research, site-specific consulting/modeling, operational forecasting, and generation of long-term climatologies for operability and design in the marine environment.


  • Converting ADCIRC NWS12 to NWS13

    At OWI, we have opened-up some of our internal Python to read our WIN/PRE ascii formats, which are referred to as OWI or NWS12 files by the ADCIRC modeling community.

    The code is broken up into the following components:

    • An owiWinPre Python module: https://gitlab.com/oceanweather/Python-Sub/owiWinPre
    • A winpre_to_nws13.py Python script for converting formats NWS12 to NWS13: https://gitlab.com/oceanweather/Python-Scripts/wind/winpre_to_nws13

    These components have been assembled into a Docker container image with the Dockerfile and repository available on Gitlab as well. This container image has the required publically available Python dependencies already installed, and running from Docker will execute the winpre_to_nws13.py script.

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  • Oceanweather to Exhibit at OTC 2023 in Houston, TX

    Subject: Oceanweather are pleased to be back at the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in Houston, 1-4 MAY 2023 at NRG Park. This is OWI’s 25th year as an exhibitor. Please visit Oceanweather at Booth 2331 in NRG Center.

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  • Eastern Pacific GROW-FINE Hindcast: GF-NEPAC

    Announcing GROW-FINE NEPAC (GF-NEPAC) our latest publically available hindcast for the Pacific coastlines of North and Central America, encompassing Alaska’s Aleutian Islands in the North to the middle of Ecuador’s mainland coastline in the South. This hindcast was designed to be an improvement over other available coastal Pacific wind and wave datasets including ERA5 and our earlier NEPAC products.

    These hindcast data consist of continuous hourly time steps of wind and wave parameters from 1979 through 2021, with 2022 to be added soon. Full 2D frequency-directional wave spectra are also available at a subset of the 0.1° (6-minute) resolution coastal grid, while bulk wind and wave parameters have been archived at each grid point. This archive grid extends from the coastline out into deep water incorporating (at least) the offshore 1000 m depth contour. These data are suitable for a variety of uses in the metocean and offshore design fields, and are available for purchase by point or as a whole and in a variety of formats including statistical analyses.

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